Kruisbesweg: underground storage

The Kruisbesweg is located in Helenaveen, in the peat moor area, now largely gone, that borders the provinces of North Brabant and Limburg. For centuries, turf was removed from this location on a small scale by the neighbouring farmers. Canals were constructed to transport this turf. Tributaries from these canals (so-called ‘deviations’) were also created.

Stored underground
The embankments of these ‘deviations’ were in urgent need of repair, in order to preserve the natural beauty. Sheet piling had to be installed at the original locations. In addition, sludge had to be removed and stored naturally. This sludge was dewatered and stored behind the sheet piling in Geotubes®. This alleviated the costs for the disposal and unnecessary CO2 emission could be prevented. Ton Broeders: “There is an additional function: the Geotubes® act as bank protection. We constructed an extremely strong, durable construction comprised of piles and geotextile. As a result of correctly dosing the flocculant, this sludge in the water was able to support the soil that was tipped on top. Above the waterline, the protected village conservation area has been enhanced: our solution contributes to reviving the rich historic past.”

Client: Aa and Maas Water Board

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