Wormerveer: polluted location

Wormerveer has a unique history. Three hundred years ago, this was the oldest industrial area in Europe. The VOC (Dutch East India Company) came from the Far East to this place with their merchandise. Via the IJsselmeer, they travelled to this peat land area to make pigment with their materials: an art that they copied from the Italians. For this, extensive use was made of the hazardous substance mercury. Result: polluted soil throughout the many waterways in the area, also dispersed in the sludge.

Covering the polluted location
Ton Broeders: “Promeco should contribute to covering this polluted location. The engineering company Antea Group (fomerly ‘Oranjewoud’) located the dispersed polluted dredge spoil and a contractor returned this to the original place of origin, where the windmill once stood and where the pigment was produced. We provided optimal polymer dosage and the dewatering process. The sludge was collected in Geotubes®. These were then covered with soil, on which grass has been sown. A beautiful recreational area has been created, with a picnic table and an information board. A beautiful location, with water nearby and a better environment than before.”

Client: Hoog Heemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier (regional water authority)


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